Designing Change Through Creative Empowerment
NOVEMBER 11, 2021 5:30PM - 6:30PM
- Participate in a guided discussion exploring how creativity facilitates change and how to support ourselves and each other in embracing more creative lives.
- Virtual

Designing Change Through Creative Empowerment
All people are naturally creative. The harmony of our body, mind and spirit make us each the perfect tool for diverse expression and provides endless opportunity for change. Creativity matters. Every person benefits profoundly from a relationship with it, yet we don’t live in a culture that truly empowers everyone to embrace it. We overlook the many opportunities life presents us to exercise our creative power while inviting others into their own. In an inclusive world, all voices are heard. Internet culture has proven that abundant change and healing are possible when people are able to express themselves and be witnessed.
So how can we support ourselves and others in finding a unique voice, creating change and embracing a life imbued with the inspiration required for innovation? Let’s discuss how to design a future that shatters the illusion of exclusivity within the world of creativity. Gain tools, perspectives and inspiration to live a more passionate and purposeful life through creative empowerment.
- Fiona Nodar, Creativity Coach & Designer
- Fi is a designer, artist and creativity coach with roots in tech as a design leader. She's deeply passionate about creative empowerment for all people, and has made it a mission to help others expand to live a more inspired, expressed and fulfilled life.
- Thursday, November 11th
- 5:30PM - 6:30PM
- Fiona Nodar
- Designers and artists interested in personal development. Those seeking to leverage design and art to implement change in their lives and in the world. Those seeking a new perspective or support in relation to their own creativity.
- Free
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