Briana Chenkin
Briana is passionate about creating community and empowering brands to make a meaningful impact. She is currently the Lead Marketing Producer at General Assembly and the founder of Be Fox Marketing with over seven years of experience spanning brand strategy, client services, event management and digital marketing. She recently found a new home at General Assembly Austin where she is leading community engagement, event marketing, and short-form classes and workshops.
Previously she worked on the agency side on accounts such as Walmart, Cargill Foods, LS Tractor, and United Heritage Credit Union. Recent awards include a Gold Hermes Award, Diamond CUNA Award, and two Silver Communicator Awards for her team's work with various clients.
Briana has been a "Big Sister" through Big Brother Big Sister of Central Texas for seven years and loves going on adventures with her "Little Brother", Sammy. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and doing typical Austin stuff (you know, the list of hobbies every Austinite claims, like brunching, happy hours, riding bikes around Town Lake, checking out the occasional comedy show, and lots of live music).