The sixth annual Austin Design Week is November 8-12! After an incredible #ADW20, we’re so excited to bring the community together once again for a week of inspiring events and conversations.

Announcing our theme for #ADW21
Our theme
Each year, the Austin Design Week advisory board comes together to decide on a theme that is not only timely, but can apply to a broad range of ideas and disciplines, spark meaningful conversations, and challenge the role of design in improving our communities and ourselves.
For ADW 2021, we’re looking forward.
The theme for this year is: Futuring
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear “futuring” might be “tech” or “space travel” — we’re with you, but we also want to challenge ourselves to think broader. Futuring is about co-creating a collective future — working together as creative problem-solvers to identify upcoming challenges and work through them. It’s an act we all take part in, not just the futurists and visionaries among us.
What does the future of design as a practice look like? How do we best support a growing community and the Austin to come? What voices are missing in our current conversations about the future and how do we include them? How do we solve these challenges in a way that allows people to thrive? What are the steps we can take today, tomorrow, and beyond to realize our vision?
These are some of the questions the topic of “futuring” brings up for us and we’re excited to see what questions you bring forward.
What’s next?
We’ll be opening our Call for Proposals for #ADW21 on May 17th. In the meantime, we encourage you to consider what this theme means to you and how you can share your ideas with the community, whether that’s through a showcase of your work, an interactive workshop, a talk, or anything else — the possibilities are open-ended.
We’re excited to explore possible futures with you and share in the work of making them happen this November 8-12!